Shane Cook and the Woodchippers
For many years, the St. Clair River — and the Canadian border in general — has been a permeable border for fiddle music. Fiddlers like Johnny Durocher and Ron St. Pierre came over from Sarnia, Ontario to fiddle in Port Huron, while Michiganders have gone to Ontario to play as well. Port Huron, Michigan and Sarnia, Ontario have long shared a symphony orchestra — the International Symphony Orchestra. For some years now, London, Ontario based fiddler Shane Cook has done special concerts with the ISO featuring traditional old time Ontario fiddling, performing in both Sarnia and Port Huron. Shane Cook is one of the top practitioners of Ontario old-time fiddling. Now, Shane Cook and the Woodchippers have released a new album and an online premier concert featuring the ISO, continuing the tradition. Check out their video below featuring the ISO and youth fiddle groups from across Canada.
— Trae McMaken
Biography of Shane Cook and the Woodchippers
“Shane Cook & The Woodchippers rely on their deep foundation in the traditional music,
song and dance of Ontario for the core of their sound, yet also draw on styles as broad
as folk, Celtic, roots, country, contemporary and jazz. Their superbly crafted
compositions and arrangements are a modern, exhilarating approach to fiddle tunes,
song and dance.
A Canadian and U.S. National fiddle champion, Shane Cook is a multi-instrumentalist
who has distinguished himself as a master of the Canadian old-time fiddle tradition.
Joining Shane as a four-member group of multi-instrumentalists, singers and step
dancers, The Woodchippers are: Emily Flack (Leahy) on piano, vocals and dance, Joe
Phillips (The Art of Time Ensemble) on double bass and guitar, and Kyle
Waymouth (five-time national step dance champion) on guitar and dance.
Be on the lookout for Shane Cook & The Woodchippers’ new debut album, Be Here for a
While, released digitally on October 15, 2021. Shane Cook & The Woodchippers were
thrilled to return to perform with The International Symphony Orchestra along with
guest Canadian youth fiddle groups from 12 provinces and territories to unveil part of
Be Here for a While in an online release concert airing Aug 27-Oct 31, 2021.”
Bio taken from https://www.shanecook.com/epk: